Fracture Care

Samuel S. Abrams, MD

Hand and Upper Extremity Surgeon located in Asheville, Arden, & Hendersonville, NC

Car accidents, sports injuries, and falls can all lead to hand, wrist, or elbow fractures. Board-certified hand and upper-extremity orthopedic surgeon Samuel S. Abrams, MD, provides specialized fracture care in Asheville, Hendersonville, and Arden, North Carolina. If you’ve experienced trauma to the fingers, hand, wrist, forearm, or elbow, call or book an appointment online today for expert fracture care.

Fracture Care Q & A

What is fracture care?

Fracture care is a specialized treatment for fractures, which are broken bones. Fractures can occur in any bone in your body. Dr. Abrams specializes in treating fractures of the fingers, hand, wrist, forearm, and elbow. 

Many fractures heal with nonsurgical treatments, including immobilization in a cast or splint. Complex fractures, such as a bone that breaks into pieces that don’t line up properly, usually require surgery. Depending on the type and severity of the fracture, Dr. Abrams may use pins, rods, plates, screws, or an external fixator device to hold the bones in place. 

When do I need fracture care?

You should seek medical attention as soon as you suspect you have a fracture. A broken bone usually causes intense pain that immediately follows an injury, such as a crushing blow to the hand or a fall on an outstretched arm. 

Signs and symptoms of a fracture include:

  • Pain, swelling, and bruising
  • A bone or joint appearing out of place
  • Difficulty moving the elbow, wrist, hand, or fingers

If you’re bleeding or can see a piece of bone through a hole in the skin, go to the emergency room right away. This is an open fracture, which requires immediate medical care. 

What does fracture care involve?

In most cases, people receive initial fracture treatment at an emergency room or urgent care center. As an orthopedic surgeon specializing in hand and upper extremity trauma, Dr. Abrams provides expert fracture care after you’ve stabilized. 

He carefully evaluates your condition to determine the best approach to treatment. This includes reviewing how the injury occurred and examining your hand or arm. He may also take an X-ray to see how and where your bone broke. 

Fracture care involves realigning the bone and keeping it in place while it heals. If only one bone is broken and the pieces line up, you may not need surgery. More complex fractures require surgical treatment to restore proper alignment. 

Dr. Abrams may use pins, rods, plates, or screws to stabilize your bones while they heal. He may also apply a cast, brace, or splint to immobilize your hand or arm. After the bones heal, occupational therapy helps you regain strength and range of motion.

For expertise in hand and upper-extremity fracture care, call Samuel S. Abrams, MD, or book an appointment online today.